Monday, January 26, 2009

Total Astanga or Type 2 Diabetes

Total Astanga: The Step-by-Step Guide to Power Yoga at Home for Everybody

Author: Tara Fraser

Astanga is one of the most popular and energetic styles of yoga. Thanks to yoga teacher Tara Fraser, almost anyone can learn astanga’s techniques and experience its benefits, from improved circulation to increased strength and suppleness. With the help of 200 color photographs, she carefully guides aspiring practitioners through more than 60 basic poses: the Sun Salutations to warm-up, each posture in the primary series, and a finishing sequence to cool down. Along the way, she demonstrates how to develop a workout that is safe, challenging, and suitable for any level.

Table of Contents:
Introduction     8
How to use this book     9
The roots of a tradition     10
The history of astanga yoga     12
Shri k pattabhi jois     14
Professor krishnamacharya     16
Patanjali's eight-limbed path     18
Astanga yoga in the modern world     20
Creating a personal practice     22
The benefits of astanga yoga     24
Astanga yoga in daily life     26
Astanga yoga and you     28
Basic principles     32
Understanding astanga yoga     34
Meditation in movement     40
Opening and closing mantra     42
Astanga vinyasa postures     44
Surya namaskara A     46
Surya namaskara A - modifications     48
Surya namaskara B     50
Surya namaskara B - modifications     52
Padangusthasana     54
Padahastasana     55
Utthita trikonasana     56
Parivritta trikonasana     57
Utthita parsvakonasana     58
Parivritta parsvakonasana     59
Prasarita padottanasana A     60
Prasarita padottanasana B, C, D     61
Parsvottanasana     62
Utthita hasta padangusthasana A     63
Utthita hasta padangusthasana B     64
Utthita hasta padangusthasana C, D     65
Ardha baddha padmottanasana     66
Utkatasana     67
Virabhadrasana A     68
Virabhadrasana B     69
Half vinyasa     70
Half vinyasa modifications     72
Dandasana     74
Paschimottanasana A, B, C     75
Purvottanasana     76
Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana     77
Trianga mukhaikapada paschimottanasana     78
Janu sirsasana A     79
Janu sirsasana B     80
Janu sirsasana C     81
Marichyasana A     82
Marichyasana B     83
Marichyasana C     84
Marichyasana D     85
Navasana     86
Bhujapidasana     87
Kurmasana     88
Supta kurmasana     89
Garbha pindasana     90
Kukkutasana     91
Baddha konasana A     92
Baddha konasana B     93
Upavishta konasana A and B     94
Supta konasana      95
Supta padangusthasana A     96
Supta padangusthasana B and C     97
Chakrasana     98
Ubhaya padangusthasana     100
Urdhva mukha paschimottanasana     101
Setu bandhasana     102
The finishing sequence     103
Urdhva dhanurasana     104
Salamba sarvangasana     105
Halasana     106
Karnapidasana     107
Urdhva padmasana     108
Pindasana     109
Matsyasana     110
Uttana padasana     111
Sirsasana A     112
Sirsasana B     113
Baddha padmasana     114
Padmasana     115
Tolasana     116
Savasana     117
Adapted practice for beginners     118
A short practice for all     120
Sun salutations     122
Standing poses     124
Seated poses     126
Finishing sequence     128
Further study     130
Finding a teacher     132
Self-practice     134
Ways to go deeper     136
Astanga yoga organizations      138
Bibliography and videos/DVDs     139
Index     140
Acknowledgments     144

Go to: Policen & Verfahren, um Schwindel und Veruntreuung Zu verhindern: Leitung, Interne Steuerungen, und Untersuchung

Type 2 Diabetes: Your Questions Answered

Author: Rosemary Walker

Having Type 2 Diabetes doesn't have to mean putting your life on hold. Find out how to control the condition and live life to the fullest with this easy-to-follow guide. There are simple lifestyle changes to ensure good health like: What foods to eat and how to become more active. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow with the full-color photography that shows you how to monitor your blood glucose level. This important book answers the questions on diet, exercise, and medication that everyone needs to know about Type 2 Diabetes.

  • Layout in highly accessible Q&A format
  • Includes a comprehensive section on diet and exercise
  • Approved by the American Diabetes Association

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